Saturday, October 27, 2007

You Say You Want a Revolution...

Hi Everyone!

This is my first ever blog, created largely because a) I felt I should have one and b) My school told me that it would be cool if everyone had blogs so that prospective freshman could read about what it is like to attend WaC.

Here is what I have to say.

Especially if your an Environmental Studies major. We have awesome profs. stellar field trips and sometimes our labs get canceled because it rains. Just kidding (about it being a good thing, not about them getting canceled. That really happens).

To give you a low down on myself. I am a junior, I am an environmental studies major, and a creative writing minor (keep your eyes peeled for a possible declaration of an anthro minor in the near future). Love to read, knit, hang with friends, attend protests, drink chai, listen to Joni MItchell and Bob Dylan, do Yoga, and recycle. I hope to make this blog interesting (and informative since this is sort of an environmental blog thing, I don't know. We'll see, it'll be funny though I promise.)

So, stay tuned. The Revolution has begun!!!!!!


ALF said...

I'm not sure blogging counts as a revolution at this point.
I demand updates on boys.

Diana Trout {} said...

Hey Easy Green! Give us the inside scoop on the energy star lightbulbs. How much energy do they really save? Are they worth the extra money?

Anonymous said...

Have you heard about It is google with a black background instead of a white background. Supposedly, this saves energy. Here is the page that tells about it:

Oh, and I love chai and recycling. Sometimes I recycle while drinking chai.